What kind of life is that? It is a life of pain. You had better not spend your life worrying about whether people like you or whether your car impresses people. From that perspective, do you really care what people think about your clothes or your car? Do you really need to feel embarrassed if you forget someone’s name? How can you let these meaningless things cause pain? If you want out, if you want a decent life, you had better not devote your life to avoiding psychological pain. You’re just standing on one little ball of dirt and spinning around one of the stars. And that galaxy would look like one star to us, if we could even see it. In fact, it is estimated that there are over a trillion stars in the Spiral Galaxy. Though you can only see a few thousand stars, there are hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy alone. You are sitting on a planet spinning around in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Walk outside on a clear night and just look up into the sky.

“To get some distance from this, you first need to get some perspective.